Today we meet Genna from Frankie Gusti :)
Who do you live with? Any pets? My Husband and my wolfikins Sabbath.
Where do you do your crafting? Kitchen table, studio etc...I use my Mums studio, our study (which, much to the hubby disgust, is slowly being consumed by fabric!), our kitchen table...anywhere I can dominate space really.
Why did you choose your business name and what does it mean to you? Frankie Gusti. is the nickname I gave my nephew Archer. Originally though, Laine, the amazing little one of a friend of mine, had and imaginary friend named Frankie, who lived under her chin and tickled her if she was naughty. Frankie Gusti. to me is capturing the essence of childhood and reliving those memories with my products.
Why do you do your craft? I love creating for friends and family and anyone who appreciates it. But I guess crafting to me is just second nature.
When do you find the time to do it? I do bits and pieces everyday after/before work but I'm most productive late at night. Some crafternoons turn into 3am stints.
How else do you spend your time? I've recently started a veggie garden, so being a reformed plant killer, I'm making a HUGE effort to keep these babies alive. Op shopping, dancing, catching up with friends, exercising...not enough.
What are your favourite materials to work with? I love using vintage items I can reclaim, recycle, up-cycle. Finding something old and giving it a new purpose is something I find very satisfying...I hate waste.
Where did you learn your craft? Classes, self taught, trial and error? Mumsy taught me majority of my crafting skills. She is amazingly talented and very good to me and Frankie Gusti.
How would you describe your style? I would say its vintage inspired. Whimsical. I was born in the wrong era.
Why do you think you opt for your particular style? I cant say as I opted for it...I wouldn't make anything I didn't love, so the "Frankie Gusti." style just evolved from my own personal style.
What is your most precious possession? I wish I could say it was something sentimental but I love my bed, which my hubby and I have named The Cloud. When your little, you really have no concept of the joy that sleep can bring. Bedtime was dreaded and now the extra 10 minutes of sleep from the snooze button, makes me so happy.
What is the first thing you can remember making by hand? I must have been around 5..I'd decorate gum leaves with glitter and sequins and sell them as bookmarks in my street. $3 and 10 sold leaves would make my day.
What are your passions? Food....anyone who isn't passionate about food is crazy!! Or I'm just crazy about food! Dancing. After 16 years, I'm still learning and am continuously inspired.
What couldn’t you live without? Other than the obvious loved ones, sleep, etc. I'm pretty addicted to my iPhone.
Thanks Genna, in know we are totally in love with everything she does:)
Frankie Gusti will be at our next Market on Sunday December 19th 8am -1pm and at our Twilight pre Christmas Market Wednesday December 21st 6-9pm
A perfect chance to polish off the handmade Christmas shopping!
cheers Fi
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